My repeated post... is totasy @$$cr@p

Screw it... the post got an error? no autosave? long long post that i forgot about? damn it all

Aaron gets veri pissed off at Ben See for slapping/caressing his head... So Aaron goes into PMS mode and rawrs at everyone...

Mr Ng tries to drown us in A.Maths and E.Maths tests... but we survived...

EL(aka the Evil Hellmonger form Notre Dame) was absent, got early dismissal...

Been trying to play GE for the love of my Nanoha figurine... but it took 2 friking hours to get to 45%... screwdup

Current project: copying LianYL from and making stickmen strips... called
Thats about it... back to swearing at the patch downloads
Nano says bye!

TUE, 29 Jan - Craves and Raves, The Pocky Addiction kicks in

Yes, it is a Pocky addiction... I LUV POCKY!!! but only strawberry le... lol... I bet some people would use this fact to furthur prove me as a ungendered thing... tsk tsk

Chicken cutlet!!! I want chicken cutlet!!! And i want this chicken cutlet!

RAWRRRRR... Droolll...

Anyone who gets one for me will be greatly thanked...

My group has been rearranged again... and Ming Sheng is moved away... NOOOOO!!! There goes my homework source... T.T

Adam and Wei Li followed me to my group... same sub group somemore... WTF?

At least no Black-bra near me... muahahaha

A bit of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd:
I killed countless mini-bosses, nvr met a wyvern yet... but I finished my Black Katana MK. I!!!

and it looks sexy... haha

And that's about it! Nano's got nothing more to say now...

SAT, 26 Jan, Not a Nano revolution day

Yeah, two posts in a day... I decided that my titles hold dates... just in case people dont buy a clock or have one and don't even knows it exists.

I BET *myname - censor* CAN'T FUCKING RUN LIKE WE DID LOL.I'm kinda proud of what I just did, even if it was only slightly greater than 2.4km.

guess who said this? yes, its u, *hisname - censor* from the lifebetch blog in my links...

thks la! *starts suspecting self's personal health status*

Chicken rice ftw!!! *munch munch munch*
yeah, me stranded at home while everyone else goes out to play/work/meet humans... and me here eating chicken rices like a cow... lol

mr ng is getting weird... veri weird... nuff said, lest i get sued

brian's blog *points* (more blalant advertisement)is so nice... he can camwhore a lot... haha, i cant... sad...

The Nano returns!!! Dum dum da da!!!

ok... enuff of that...

so i m back, after a long time break from all the shit in my life...
and guess wad made me want to re-blog? this pic!!!

cos i was wondering, if i dun have a blog, i will have to show it elsewhere... but there's nowhere else... and not showing it is a pity... haha

wad a nice sky... strange weather we had huh?

Changed the songs, etc etc etc... minor changes... no time nor skill to revamp it haha

A-maths is a betch... wtf... no one ever uses such methods in real life... banks, only go use percentages, everywhere at most is percentages... wtf?

So as promised in my last post *points down* i will post a paradox...

Here goes...

Alex knew everything there about the colour red. As a scientist, its been his life's works. If you wanted to know about infra, why tomatoes are red and not blue or why red is the colour of passion, Alex would be the man to ask.

All this would seem ordinary, if not for the very one quirk of Alex's, he cant see the colours at all. Everything is just a black and white drawing to him.

But, all this will be a matter of the past, Alex's retina could see the colours, it was just the nerves that could not recieve the infomation. And with the superb neurosurgery they had, it meant that alex could see the colours for the first time.

So as Alex was pushed into the surgery room, he asked himself the most basic questions of questions about the colour red. What does does red look like?

So did Alex know red at all? Its like knowing all about an elephant's activities and habits, but not even having an idea of what elephants look like...

Weird huh?

Ok I gotta go now... Byes

Damn... me and my picky mind

hello... im back again... and why? cos i decided that i wont make a new blog just becuz too many ppl noe where my blog is...

so this blog will be undead... i mean it?

haiz... waste of time

later then i post somethin nice... like a paradox that would defeat brian's one