Blatant Advertisement: Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G

Yeah! MHP 2ndG comes out soon! but i won't be getting it, cos since i cant use my psp, why should i get such a fun game, and then complain about being unable to use?

Here's a nice video on it

And here's some Ad that I dug out of my email box... seems like the more different people click on it, the more money i get!

wow... so if i spread to 2 and they spread to 2 and so on, then i get tons of mullah!

and those who click also can get their own money when they sign up for an account...

wow... and if I get enough money to get a cheque, 11 dollars the minim i think, i will donate ALL of it to the class fund.

Promise, swear by it and cross my Nano-daggers

so click!

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