Hello~ Yami-chan is coming to visit!


After the results, I had some time to think about what went wrong.

1) I have all my priorities wrong. Fun was of more importance than work. WRONG
2) I procastinate. WRONG
3) I feel that something in life should motivate me.
4) I am addicted to computers. VERY WRONG
5) I rather go do something for others, than do something for myself.

So I've picked up a book on fighting procastination. I am trying it out now, but I haven't much to do now. So all I need to do is force myself to revise.

Which is not working...

Cuz I dun understand my chem and Amaths...

haiz, am going to try to study. But Ming Sheng's notes look horrid... Means I will have to invest in more revision notes.


I have to:
1) Pay for the soon-to-arrive Fate Testerossa Figurine by Alter that I have been hunting for
2) Pay deposit for Konjiki no Yami Figurine by Alpha Omega

3) Buy revision notes
4) Buy a mouse, or rather bought one liao.
5) Get money for upcoming sale

But at least I have a final deal to cushion the blows, someone actually wanted my Nanoha Takamachi Figurine from Kotobukiya... for $54 bucks! Wow!

Along with my current low 3-digit funds, I might just scrape through.

Signing out,

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