Raining on our Parades

3saeba.blogspot ish sad...

I mean, we have homework! On the blog! No!

SS requires an essay on healthcare, on how SG gahmen had provided for people's healthcare needs...

I felt like writing this: They don't. They just dump a few dollars on a sick old man and ignore him till he dies in his locked 1-room flat alone and his corpse mutilates for a year.

Personal Effective(less) required a list of a 100 things to that I had to do, and which 10 are the most important. This is due to the 80/20 rule I read off. 20% of your whole workload accounts for 80% of your results. So let's say we have 10 revision books, 2 of them will be the ones that will make sure you do well. Also, the important 20% of the work takes the same time as the rest of the work. So for the same amount of time, you can do 4 times more!(If you plan right)

It also states I had to write a book review on the motivational book I was given to read, "Eat That Frog!" What do I write? Frogs are tasty? Well, they are but that's not the point.

Worst of the bunch is CHINESE...



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