My repeated post... is totasy @$$cr@p

Screw it... the post got an error? no autosave? long long post that i forgot about? damn it all

Aaron gets veri pissed off at Ben See for slapping/caressing his head... So Aaron goes into PMS mode and rawrs at everyone...

Mr Ng tries to drown us in A.Maths and E.Maths tests... but we survived...

EL(aka the Evil Hellmonger form Notre Dame) was absent, got early dismissal...

Been trying to play GE for the love of my Nanoha figurine... but it took 2 friking hours to get to 45%... screwdup

Current project: copying LianYL from and making stickmen strips... called
Thats about it... back to swearing at the patch downloads
Nano says bye!

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