TUE, 29 Jan - Craves and Raves, The Pocky Addiction kicks in

Yes, it is a Pocky addiction... I LUV POCKY!!! but only strawberry le... lol... I bet some people would use this fact to furthur prove me as a ungendered thing... tsk tsk

Chicken cutlet!!! I want chicken cutlet!!! And i want this chicken cutlet!

RAWRRRRR... Droolll...

Anyone who gets one for me will be greatly thanked...

My group has been rearranged again... and Ming Sheng is moved away... NOOOOO!!! There goes my homework source... T.T

Adam and Wei Li followed me to my group... same sub group somemore... WTF?

At least no Black-bra near me... muahahaha

A bit of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd:
I killed countless mini-bosses, nvr met a wyvern yet... but I finished my Black Katana MK. I!!!

and it looks sexy... haha

And that's about it! Nano's got nothing more to say now...

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