SAT, 26 Jan, Not a Nano revolution day

Yeah, two posts in a day... I decided that my titles hold dates... just in case people dont buy a clock or have one and don't even knows it exists.

I BET *myname - censor* CAN'T FUCKING RUN LIKE WE DID LOL.I'm kinda proud of what I just did, even if it was only slightly greater than 2.4km.

guess who said this? yes, its u, *hisname - censor* from the lifebetch blog in my links...

thks la! *starts suspecting self's personal health status*

Chicken rice ftw!!! *munch munch munch*
yeah, me stranded at home while everyone else goes out to play/work/meet humans... and me here eating chicken rices like a cow... lol

mr ng is getting weird... veri weird... nuff said, lest i get sued

brian's blog *points* (more blalant advertisement)is so nice... he can camwhore a lot... haha, i cant... sad...

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