The Way the world runs on is the Insanity way

Yes, how true it is...

Just decided to flip out a random book from my bookpile...

(Actually, I threw back a few suggestions from my pile... the New Space Opera(read it 10 times), Star Wars(need I say more?) and the dumb Deltora Quest Book 7 which I accidentally "stole" from Cedar Primary(forget to return))

... and I found IT (Ecchi AlterEgo, NanoTard: Doujin doujin doujin!!! WHAT? NOT DOUJIN! WHY?)

"The Pig that Wants to be Eaten, and 99 other thought experiments"

Very nice book... (NanoTard: Not!)

It talks about many mind boggling situations that may take place, and shows how we are all bloody trapped in our own world.

Such as this:

Private Sacks was about to do a terrible thing. He had been ordered to first rape and then murder the prisoner, whom he knew to be no more than an innocent civilian from the wrong ethnic background. There was no doubt in his mind that this would be a gross injustice - a war crime, in fact.

Yet quickly thinking it over he felt he had no choice but to go ahead. If he obeyed the order, he could try to make the ordeal as bearable as possible for the victim, making sure she suffered no more than necessary. If he didn't obey the order, he himself would be shot on grounds of defiance and the prisoner would still be violated and killed, except in a more violent manner. It was better for everyone if he went ahead.

His reasoning seemed clear enough, but of course it gave him no peace of mind. How could it be that he was both going to do the best he could in the circumstances and yet at the same time, commit a terrible sin?

Can anyone give a justifiable explaination?

That's how amazing this book is...
(but brian doesn't understand)

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