Adults are genetically different from teens and children. not to mention genetically flawed

So says me, after what has just happened...

My mum threw my PSP charger cable away...

Mad la she...

This means more finanicial mountains to conquer... now i need my psp charger...

how buy sia... so those ppl out there holding on to ur psp, thk the gods cuz u dun have a Menopausing T-Rex biting onto ur psp's ass

and so as of now, i have decided to chase down the reason why humans have such a bloody fuked up gene strand that doesn't evolve

even though i now that when a species is at it pinnacle, its stops evolving... cos if this is our pinnacle, then its one sad thing...

until then, treasure your psp... mine's going into cyro now

until i manage to borrow someone's...


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