Moderatio is a blessing, school is not... 2nd post of teh night

Like most times, I always think so hard for a good title, and laways make it one that makes no sense

like Moderatio is a word that I think doesn't exist or is the wrong spelling...
(bet that EL will vomit blood and die if she saw this)

Anime Newsflash:

To LOVE-Ru is up! Woots!

If anyone has the heart to read my blog posts that are insanely long, you would have found out that I'm closely chasning teh manga To-Love-ru

and no introductions, cuz they are way nay inapproperiate, Brian the conductor(thts my nickanem for him) will compalin(yes, Com-Pa-Lin, another new word)

but i will attach pics(and a vid if you ask)

there goes any bit of hope of me NOT being called a Ecchi-master


and one more kudies for chan getting his head panwhacked by canes!
and here's a complimentary pic to help chan get on with his sad sad dolphinic life
(i had to look for it quite long, just to get chan this freaking pic)
(dolphin =... nvm, just ask jon "pedo-guin")


Todae, Kohong look fer me and reminded me about Byousoku 5cm that we downloaded when we were wee lil pirates on the uber-net

har har har

i must say, that movie was one that really wins... sadly, i lost the show due to pirates eating my com with viruses

but i still keep the song for it everywhere (:, i have put it up as my blog's song for now, and probably for a long time... because bohemian rhapsody gives me the heebie jeebies at 1 am in teh morning

here's a vid on it, if anyone wants to watch the movie, i think its still floating round youtube

(youtube is making my life a mess, they refused to give me the full code, paste only get a decapitated code, bullshat)

that's it for now, and i realised danjo is hard to remember how to sing and hearing josiah do it is depressing

Nanotism out

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