Hello from Mars!

Good Nanites and Bad Nanites!

As of now, I'm officially on Mars, on a vacation to leave my state of mind that life is overrated...

At least I wish I was...

Things are going downhill from here, my finances look good on paper, but half the money si deadlocked in some tin(really)...

Education is a drag, here's wishing all the best to scientists researching on mind-linked implants, so that we may just pop a 1 Terrorbyte memory chip into our craniums, access the Almighty Wiki and download our whole life's worth of education

And those hippies who support some idiotic "anti-human-rights-infrigement" thing that fights cloning and matters of the mind, go weep in a gorilla cage and be friends with King Kong mini... WHAT's WRONG WITH IMPLANTS AND BIO-MODS?
(although cloning is still freaky, imagine tons of Saddam Husseins who never die...)

This also proves I am unhinged like a window that would get the HDB ppl dieing from legal attacks and the such... All in all, I'm gone to a new level of nuts

And here's some dedication to Jonathan "Penguin" Leong!

ok that was just plain freakign weird...

back to life...

Kudies to Chan from getting his arse whipped just cos his dolphin can't stand well enuff, not!

D.Gray Man is becoming a drag now... all my anime is kaputz, Hayate no Gotoku(Maria-don!!!) is licensed by an unknown entity, Zero no Tsukaima is rewatched and watched one more time, just cos I wanted to...(actually, it was princess henrietta that made me go back)

at least...

any way, life is drag

drag drag drag

i feel like a blind old man feeling sour and bitter all over...

or it could just be backaches

OH YES! I remember that Jon "pedo-guin" leong called me a Necrophile


1) i m a Medio-phile and a Electro-phile, or basically, i'm a technophile
2) i wish to be a mage, but not a necromancer who summons skulls that erode instantly''
3) Rigor Mortis makes raping dead gals hard

that's the truth


btw, Second Life sucks, I HAVE NO IDEA WAD MADE ME PLAY IT

back to Runescape, cos its so basic

ok, Nanotism signing out! And josiah refuses to post on my blog, lazy man he is... lol

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