Updating the LogFiles

Hey! Whatever happened to the Dashboard! Oi!

*shakes dashboard*



My birthday is coming. Presents are welcome, money aid is even more welcome.

My PSP batteries are dead again.

Shen Gao Ren rocks. I love it even though he kicked my ass.

I officially reveal the fact that I'm actually a masochist.

I've ordered another figurine: Sasara from ToHeart2AD. Lovely

All my figurines are coming in on September end. This is not good.

I need money.

I tried Storymash. My second story dropped in ratings by 0.3. The woe.

I'm currently co-oping with BenChee in writing a ScifiXFantasy story. The cover I even imagined it. The name just escapes my mind.

I love pie. No, wait, I hate pie. I love curry.

I am considering getting Ace Combat X. Or is Bleach better... Or Tekken?

I need to write my essay.

I need to work out TechnoPriest/soon-to-be EnginSeer Nights' details


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