By damn, I want to Hungry Hungry Hippo destroy my sister

By damn, I dislike choirs... Do I? I dun understand them... so... I can't really hate...

BUT ONE Choir causes much pain... to me...

Introducing my sister's, AKA the Holy Innocent's Choir...

Actually, I made up that name, but it's probably correct...

In a sense.

For many fricking days, I have been made to wait at my grandparent's house, waiting for my sister to come back from choir so that I have to escort her back home. (Shizz)

And she comes back at round 8, takes half an hour to bathe and another half to eat her "princesssy" meal.

Meaning I have to sit there for AGESSSS

PLUS, I'm expected to give her support at her first choir thingum. What? Wave Pom Poms? Hell no!

So I won't care

But back to the waiting part. Waiting, can only be on the two extreme sides of one's entertainment. Either you get fricking high and happy(which promotes time distortions and rapid overclocking) or you get damn pissed, tired and snappier than a Hungry Hungry Hippo(s)

As for my case, gramp(more like Grump)'s house is a Zoo that beats Mandai hands down in noise pollution.

Result: An unhappy me giving off unkarma waves that propangate the seeds of time solidification... In other words, time DRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGSSSSSS......

Result of that: Hyper grumpy me, which further slows down time... blah blah blah... infinity loop... till a point where time stops and a paradox occurs, since if time stopped I would be unable to respond and then time will have to revert back. A reboot of the universe, fear that.

Ah... I went offroad... So back to topic... I waste 2-3 hours a day waiting for a person whom I detests as she seems to just waste resources and does not help with housework... Leech, I say

So with the choir thing, she effectively steals my time.

What next? My friends, my harem? No!



I do not hate choirs, I just don't understand them.

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