The Meaning of Alternatives - Part 1 of Unknown Number

Finally! I finally moved my fingers in the designated pattern to type my entry out.

Regardless of what That TechnoPriest said to The EnginSEER, I shall still go one with my plan to write on Alternatives.

We all love alternatives. Alternative lifestyle, alternative energy sources, alternative career, alternative this, alternative that.


Let's look at alternative lifestyles. Imagine this man, who is a high-roller, lives a posh lifestyle, surrounded by a harem and all the luxuries that money can get. He will ALWAYS have this subconscious dream to live an alternative lifestyle. Which is...

Living on an island, surrounded with coconut trees and more coconut trees. Not a care in the world, with one native villager as his wife.

In case you never realised, that ALTERNATIVE lifestyle is rubbish but it is what he wants. A man with everything the world will dream of life with no material need. A man who has nothing but a heap of debts will dream of a posh life.

So humans are irrational. Give them a chocolate bar, and they want that candy stick instead. I suggest we spank them on the butt when they do that. Haha. Of course not!

Next time, I'll go into one of my favourite topics, ALTERNATIVE GENDER Characters.

Sidenote: I wonder what Einstein's alternative lifestyle would be.

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