Yesh! It's the mailman! Alter Fate Testerossa!

Fuxx Yea!



Ok... I have a lack of pictures... Now I wish I could summon That TechnoPriest and his camera and run outdoors to take photos of Fate...

But nooooo~~~ We can't open it, says my online friends. It's collector's value!

Now, what the Fuxx is the fun in getting a uber nice figurine, and sealing it in a safe 500 KM underground? WHAT?

Still, I haven't opened it. i have no idea why but I simply can't do it. Weird.

On other topic, That TechnoPriest got a me a metal figurine! (Let's hope its not Blea(c)h and its nicely detailed, I love details)

Star Wars will do fine too.


So there we have it, I'm going to delay Fate photos to later, simply cuz I have no Fuzzing Camera!


Plus I'm poor now. But Fate was cheaper than I thought, 89 bucks (including deposit). I thought I had to pay 100+, not counting the deposit la. Phew

This makes my sister's Shana in Beach Bikini Figurine the most expensive in our house. A hundred bucks! RIPOFF~! Will try to talk about it next time.

Meanwhile, here's a funny vid. Not like those weird laugh@urfandomlord videos. It's STAR WARS + LEGOS!!!

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