Variety Varietives Varialnertives Alrieties Alterretives Alternatives


Mark and Spencer's wins at all of them! The massive section dedicated to microwaveable food is amazing! With food priced at a cheap ₤3.95 per packet, you'll never find anything to be bored of eating!

Surprisingly, I am quite full from the lovely microwaveable dinner that I've had, including a ₤1.95 Steak Pie, ₤1.95 utterly bland Fried Rice and a lovely ₤3.95 worth of Tandoori Chicken! What's this?! Shameless plugging!?

I was very muchly surprised at Brenna's reluctance to buy me a birthday present. He was convinced that I was PMSing over a birthday present, but I wasn't. I mean, look at Ee Siong. He bought be Ken Hirai and even put it up on the blog to make me happy, I suppose, with a little blackmail.

Sheet, should have asked Brenna to buy me Yuna Ito instead of Ayumi. *snaps* But Ken Hirai's music isn't too good for the technical singer, as one can hear from his half falsetto. It is quite amazing, his singing style. Very much different from others like WaT and Yatta (that bunch of neked people, whoever they are). Perhaps the only other person who I can see a distinctive style in is Gackt, and I absolutely love his 忘れないから.

Lalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalalalalalalalalala lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala wasuyo wasure tai yo. Furetakono watashi deshitendayo. AHHHH!!!! Mono, u mo. Lalalalala, lalalalalalalalalalalala, zetsu warai yo!!!


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