Get Fakin' 20 Bucks, Get Some Fakin' Pop...

Well... At least, you can, if you want it...

As the EnginSeer running things around here, I recently found out that soon after join NanoB(L)og, That TechnoPriest's birthday arrived...

And guess what? My Conscience, called Cortana(Not), told me as a good EnginSeer, I ought to treat TechnoPriests under me well... And so I get him a present, 1 week late of the birthday


Browsing through massively spam-ish text files of his personal data logs, I found a short text of his.

Someone buy me Ken Hirai please.

I also found this.

I see that all I know how to do it rebut, criticise and yell. Well, at least in school for most situations. Imagine placing yourself in a classroom full of idiots who continually ramble and finally conclude that the teacher's own words a incessant ramblings themselves. How tiring it is, isn't it? I also tend to go around in circles, limiting factors under differentiation and integral laws that are basic to the studied physicist.

He called me, The EnginSeer, a member of a pile of monkeys who ramble! Orz!

So somehow, That TechnoPriest had a feeling that I needed to ask something. So there he appears on MSN, in London(which is next to Edinburg, Land of Floods). And I ask him, "Do I owe you a present?"

And what? He tells me, "No." OH YEAH!

And continues, "...but then, I also won't owe you a present."


Asking him what he wants, he rambles on and on about Ayumi, whom I sympathise for going deaf but still do not like. I am a Nana Mizuki, Ueda Kana and Tamura Yukari person ya see...

So he wants a Ayumi album he doesn't have. How do I know? I am a EnginSeer, not an Archivalist! Totally having not a clue about his wish list, I ask him "Do you have that Ken Hirai guy's album?"

And he goes shocked, saying " I didn't say that I wanted that one before on my blog, how you know?" Laughing, I give him the month it was archived under... EnginSeers can act as any Technocratic Member if they need to, ya noe.

So he goes like "FAKIN' POP!" and me goes "HUH..." I had somehow misread Fakin' Pop for Fukin' Pop. LOL

So I get it for him.

For 20 bucks. While getting some Adidas Shirts for my father, which is another 22.5 bucks. Father's Day ya see. I am such a filal EnginSeer, YEAH.

Got it from Sembawang @ Novena.(The Cd, not the shirts. If you didn't know, join me as a TechnoPriest Minor) Was there for food. Found nothing much, cept Curry Favor, which I was too poor to buy. (Damn Ionic Reactions, I want Mah Curreh!)

So I ate some food court and went to United Square(which is so far away from other malls, that the word "United" is backwards-meaning) and ate 1 scoop of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey. Yum.

No camera though, I ain't no Paparazzite.

So now, Ken Hirai's face stares at me from within my bag. Oh, and I'm listening to POP STAR, very nice. Ish tempted to not give Ken Hirai away now. LOLZ

So now, as I think of copying this to be my journal entry, I munch on gummy snakes. And they leave some weird killer smell on you, DON'T EAT OUTSIDE.


That TechnoPriest better give me something nice in return. Else I'm burning Ken Hirai.

Oh, and he doesn't come back til 20th June. Shock. He escapes Meister Ng's excursional tour!

My wallet stares at me angrily, I have the idea that my wallet is a She and she's really pissed at me. Like a tsundere. I likes? LOLZ

Oh, and to remind me to send the present to London, I changed playlists. Hey, it's still sung in Japanese ya noe. Wait... All the Jap titles are gone! WUT!

Ought to learn jap, too lazy to even study chem, so can't. Will try to neuro-zap language skill in.

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