Giving classes to people in classes

With the recent outbreak of Meister Ng giving members of the Aeba-nic Clan attributes, I have decided to play along with them.

However, I did realise the names given aren't very nice, so I'm gonna change the names. Description of each person shall not change, save the naming.

Edit: The gist shall not be changed, only the formation of sentences

The Grand Meister, Mr. Ng (Made this one)

The word meister originally means "master" in German (as in master craftsman or as an honorific title such as Meister Eckhart; akin to maestro).

The Meister is a man of good faith. He instills power, strength and courage(in whichever order) into those around him. He gives it his all to help, at times even doing what others may consider unnecessary and annoying.(This I can vouch for, being one of the first few to complain... Hah) Regardless, he continues to do his work, undeterred by the harsh comments and whines of the people. He leads his people to success, and is not hesistant to get his hands dirty to get a job done.

Bravo and Brava to the Meister!

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