The Hypothesis on The Sony Trap

Had a MSN conversation with BenSee...

... then we touch a little on the subject of electronic stuff disintegrating once their warranties run dry

PRESENTING, the Sony Trap hypothesis!

The idea behind it is simple. After a Sony product's warranty has expired, a man in SonyLand Corporation is immediately informed.

Then this man rushes of his secret room and finds the proper coding sequence and he detonates the innards of that Sony product in question.

But don't worry, as long as the product has upgrades or add ons that can be bought, the product would (probably) not be detonated internally...


I also introduced a new catchword to BenSee

A person who is destined to be unbondable with electronic wonders. Tech-no can vary in levels, from Simply Undestined to Anti-Midas Touch, wherein upon touching anything electronic, the object in question destroys itself.

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