Oh Great! It never rains, It bloody monsoons

Eib hab ae bluddy glu (I have a bloody flu)

Teh stupid barber gave me a horrorcut. Not haircut mind you, a horrorcut. Look at the mirror. Haircuts give you see nice hair, horrorcuts give you horrors that sacastic bastard bystanders will say "nice" to.

I have many HomeWROKS... and I'm not doing chinese! EVER! Copy from that TechnoPriest...

It's raining

It's bloody raining (Still)

It's bloody not raining, it's monsooning! (Finally, some change... wait... That's worse!)

And this tops it:

Retailing at 10,000+ yen IN Japan.

This Alter product is excellently sculptured. A long awaited for production character, Hayate from Nanoha StrikerS is accompanied by Reinforce Zwei. Yea!

But the price sucks. It sucks more than any anime can make their female characters have their panties sucked in. That's how bad it is.

Not to mention, coming to SG-land, the price will probably Apollo 11-ise to astronomical values.

I sob.

It never rains, It Bloody Monsoons.

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