The Rest of the Party

The Selfless Acolyte, Zul

ZUL, a great friend that you will want to have.

When I play soccer with him, he is one person who let others have the joy of attacking while he does all the dirty work of cleaning up when attacker loses the ball. Mind you, he does it so efficiently and with no complaint against these careless attackers who wasted so many chance after chances. plus he does it with a ever ready smile on his face. sacrificial for a greater cause and committed to a job, plus service with a smile. Who else to be a better servant than him.... put that commitment to work, you will create wonders for the class !!!

The Steadfast Knight, Cheng En

Cheng En ,

He reminds me of this line:
"No matter who you are or what age may be, if you want to achieve permanent, sustaining success, the motivation that will drive you towards the goals must come from within."

He has lots of internal motivation, it never stops within him, for the two and half year, no doubt he is not the brightest of all, but his sheer determination to get a job done amazes me. i wonder how much work he puts in at home. you can see how he works mirrors how he play on the soccer field, the pride he takes even as a defender is enormous. He seldom let one striker past him without him having to sweat! even if he fail to tackle, he picks himself up for the next one, wanting to do better. Excellent attitude

The Merry Monk, Josiah


If there were anything you want to take away from this young man, you can take all, except his jovial outlook under all circumstances. No failures deter him from trying harder, no hardships will weigh him down and no man can make him angry(only AMATHS sum got a bit of chance). He display never ending enthusiasm to improve and learn under all adverse circumstances. He reminds me of someone in the bible, if he hits you on the right cheek, offer the left. moreover, he will smile and still call him brother, lets forget what happen and i buy you coffee

The Cool Rogue, Vivek


Vivek is like a steady pillar in class which no winds can blow and tear it down, unfazed and strong. I have never heard him say a single complaint about homework and school work. He just goes about completing it efficiently. He helps his group mates with work as well. His discipline to finish the work is commendable. His work first, play later attitude is reaps him great dividends. One thing I like is his smile he breaks into when you speak to him! So charming! Keep it up!

The Maestro of Theatres, Solomon


This young man possesses one of the lost arts of society, I must say he can act and imitate excellently! He comes up with different expressions and sounds of his own. With that this asset, that creative brain of his, he has brought much laughter to the class, which keep us going in tough times! Thank you Solo, for the laughter and joy you brought to the class. Find some jokes and bring back to class for us next semester.

Sidenote: Meister Ng's typing is scary. In the end, I simply had to correct the spellings and stuff, lest I go nuts... (I'm a paranoid perfectionist, ya noe?) But I may have missed some, please do not go "Nazi-English" and kill me

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