

I find out that English homework deadline is... 4 days... no, 3 days away.

I play Monster Hunter with Clayton, only to get whooped ingame and lose my PSP pouch.

I try to plan my days, only to have random events popping up to screw me up.

Blog is dead.

Brain is dead

Chem is dead, to me.

HomeWROK is dead, and rising as an Undead WrathLord

HomeWROK is the abbreviation of Home-based "Wrecking of Relaxing" Offensive Killer-cache

Tigrex is dead, 2 times. (Only good news of the day)

JK's throat is deadly, having a octave so low, that all surrounding objects are forced to contort to his voice. Such as the 2B clan deciding not to eat KFC for him... LOL at his power, Chairman is really Chairman hmm?

BenSee is dead in Singapore, as his soul has fled to England to inhibit his cloned body there. Saves the plane ticket, ya'noe?

Youtube is showing me Shounen Ai(Boy Love) Vids of D.G(r)ay Man

Overall, life is GREAT.


-sobs painfully-

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